Arches National Park


This seemed to be unanimously one of our favorite parks. It could have had something to do with the fact that it was our first part. But regardless, we all loved it. It seemed to have enough variety for all of us, and kept us busy. We could have spent several days here but instead knocked out our must-do activities in about a day. Here is how we did it.


I will start by saying that we spent very little time in our hotels with one exception (Zion). We did pretty good picking places that were simple, comfortable and convenient. We stayed at the Adventure Inn in Moab and it was fine. A typical motel. No complaints. The breakfast was not fantastic like some of the reviews led us to believe. It served the purpose but less than what you would normally get at a Hampton Inn type hotel.


Delicate Arch

When we arrived to Moab it was late in the afternoon and the weather looked a bit ominous. The staff at the hotel suggested we quickly grab some sandwiches and make our way up to the hike anyway. They turned out to be completely right. While everyone was hiking down, we were one of the few groups making out way up. We ended up with a gorgeous evening and shared the arch with 10 people. It was kind of crazy. It was so quiet that we felt a bit guilty walking down and getting our photo under the arch. We sat and ate our dinner until after the sunset. A professional photographer was set up giving tips to people on the best angle to shoot. After the sunset we packed up and hiked back down with our headlamps. While the hike up was steep and pretty grueling, the hike down was quick and fun by moonlight. We came across a herd of deer that made more an even more special experience.

Double-O Arch

After the long hike the night before, I wasn’t thrilled about another strenuous hike to start the day. We agreed to hike to the Landscape Arch and then just drive around to the rest of the park. The hike down to Landscape is quite easy and short. Our kids spotted the folks scampering up boulders in the distance and our plan flew out the window. Next thing we knew we were on our way to Double-O Arch. It was totally worth it though. Although it was a bit of a hard hike, the literally climbing of rocks was an adventure. You have to be in pretty good shape to be able to do this hike due to the climbing. There were some steep drop offs at the top and our son got a little nervous with a fear of heights. Once getting to the Double-O Arch find the path to go around to the back side. Cross over the little ravine and climb up to the rocks so you can look down on the arch. That’s where the best and quietest view is. I thought we had to climb through the arch - not true and not suggested.

Sand Dune Arch

We almost didn’t stop to do this one. But I read it was good for kids. So glad we did! The kids loved this natural playground. Most people stoped at the small arch and played in the sand pit in front of it. We kept walking back and the kids climbed up into the slots, testing our their Spiderman skills. It was nice and cool and a good change from the strenuous hikes.

Moab Rock Shop

My kids’ eyes lit up when we found this spot. It was actually right by our hotel. They couldn’t figure out how to spend their money and wanted it all. Rocks ranged from $1 to super expensive rare fossils. This was a great way to start of the trip and let them get a souvenir. There were some really interesting artifacts inside. Check out the Moki Marbles.


We ate a lot of our meals in the car and on the go. We picked up a cheap cooler when we got our rental car and packed in grocery items throughout the week. It worked for the most part. I wouldn’t get the Styrofoam cooler next time. It made a horrible squeaking noise. We got some park sandwiches to go from Sweet Cravings. I was able to order them the night before and do an early morning pickup on the way to the park. We did Miguel’s Baja Grill for dinner but might try Milt’s next time. The kids loved the liquid nitrogen ice cream at Moab Garage Co.